Fail - Animation Film
The film was made part of our animation course with two of my friends from college - Shaivalini Kumar and Hari Kumar.
We took on this project as a medium to experiment with various animation styles of 2D animation, Clay Mation, Rhotoscopy put together by Stop Motion.
This is my first attempt towards Animation and it was truly one of the best expereinces i've had.The Oobles
Just one of those bored days in college my friends and i decided to attempt a clay mation film.
We played around with clay and came up with a short story, This is what we came up with.
We plan to make them into a series of short story episodes soon.
The characters ended up resembling each one of us by the end :P
Where's the beef?
So this was our FIRST attempt on learning after effects. We explored - Thats me Shreya Gupta (We had a blast making this!) So we explored the connotations of Beef and Cow in India.